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The Terminator
Trailer-Quelle: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content. Please report problematic content here)
Add to WatchlistIn the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the "Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony. Meanwhile, the human-resistance movement dispatches a lone warrior to safeguard Sarah. Can he stop the virtually indestructible killing machine? (Quelle: themoviedb.org)
Available at:A (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
Genre: Action | Thriller | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1984-10-26 Length: 108 Min
Available at:A (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
Genre: Action | Thriller | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1984-10-26 Length: 108 Min
Trailer-Quelle: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content. Please report problematic content here)
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