Allison & Lillia

The story centers around Allison Whittington, a young blonde pilot in the Roxche Air Force who has experience with biplanes. She visits her good friend Wil Schultz (short for Wilhelm) during his summer vacation at Rowe Sneyum Senior School's dormitory after being away for six months. Wil, who resides in Roxche, enjoys reading books, has a photographic memory, and is a good marksman. While out for a drive on Wil's motorcycle they run across an old man waiting on a bridge who is well-known in the area for telling false stories. They give him a ride to his home, and while there he tells them a story he claims to be true: that there is a treasure in the western region Sou Beil which could end the conflict between the two nations. Before telling them more, a man who claims to be from the town hall takes him away, though Allison & Wil quickly give chase after noticing that the man was lying. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Romance
First Aired: 2008-04-03 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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