The Red Road

The Red Road is a hard-hitting drama that revolves around a local cop struggling to keep his family together while policing two clashing communities: the small town where he grew up and the neighboring mountains, home of a Native American tribe. After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs involving the cop’s wife an unholy alliance is forged between the cop and an ex-con, a dangerous member of the tribe that will come back to haunt all involved. (Quelle:
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
First Aired: 2014-02-27 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
First Aired: 2014-02-27 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
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Season 2 (show/hide) | ||
6 | Shadow Walker | 2015-05-07 |
5 | The Hatching | 2015-04-30 |
4 | A Cure | 2015-04-23 |
3 | Intruders | 2015-04-16 |
2 | Graves | 2015-04-09 |
1 | Gifts | 2015-04-02 |
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