Die Tex Avery Show

Overview Episodes+
The magic of classic animation returns in this all new series of animated cartoon shorts starring the next generation of classic cartoon characters in wild "squash & stretch"-style, and 4th wall breaking antics! These belly-laugh-funny short segments each star a different member of a wild family of original characters including the bumbling Roman centurion, "Pompeii Pete," the inept conqueror and the little princess he cannot conquer ("Genghis and Khannie,") the lamest super hero on 4 legs ("Power Pooch"), the world's first inventor ("Einstone"), the ultra pesky "Freddie the Fly" and of course, wackiest hero in the old West, "Tex Avery" himself. An homage to the brilliant, hilarious and great. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Animation | Children | Comedy | Family
First Aired: 1997-09-29 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
65 Yearnin for a Learnin / The Stepford Chickens / French Twist
64 The Original Origin Story / Harrier Pigeon / Bat-Dan
63 Tex and Sid's Blooper Spectacular / Time Flies, Chickens Don't / Men in Lavender
62 Justice of the Pieces / The Buddy Guard / The Meat Tree
61 Sold Out / Dan or Dana / Shoeless
60 Corporate Takeover / Toy Prehistory / Stressed Guest
59 Night of the Living Dumb / What Big Feet You Have / The Butlers Did It
58 Narrated Tex / Emperor on Holiday / Superchump
57 Moby Cow / Dan's Best Friend / Unsurely You Jest
56 The Dog Who Would Be King / Butlervania / Gym Dandy
55 Mister Smart Guy / Chicken Fried Cousins / Rich Meets Poe
54 Tex-tra Credit / Power Puppy / Eski-No-Mo
53 Armed Adillo / My Dinner With Mooch / Queasy Cuisine
52 Flea! Run Away! / Family Food / Remember the Rigmarole
51 Dan the Man Child / Queen Khannie / Backseat Bedlam
50 The Texorcist / Enraptured Einstone / May the Stressed Man Win
49 Duh-mesticated / Buzzin' Couzin / 20/20 Houndsight
48 Frankeinstone! / Atlantis Shrugged / Mini The Mooch
47 Tex Meets Execs / Agent From H.O.R.D.E. / My Hairy Lady
46 Moochini the Magnificent / Pumped Up! / Map-solutely Not
45 Tex-Files / Income Outcome / Asgard Me Not
44 Don't Shoot, It's a Shoot / Dawn of the Dan / Tragedy and Comedy
43 Mutiny on the Poultry / The Running Dan / Ugh-ementary, My Dear Watson
42 Running of the Bullys / What, Me Hostage? / Coach Mooch
41 Showdown at the I'm OK, You're OK Corral / Carnivores Anonymous / Presidential Pooch
40 That's Shoe Biz / Dial M for Moron / I'll Take Manure
39 Aw, Mush! / The Wrath of Khannie / The Midas Touche
38 Chastity Peak / Ready, Willing and Cable / Crass Action Hero
37 Sagebrush Sindy / Courting Disaster / The Postman Always Barks Twice
36 My Dinner With Mooch / Diamonds Are For Heifer / Squirrel Trouble
35 Just Plane Trouble / Can't Fly Me Love / P.P. Loves Fifi
34 What Big Feet You Have! / Peer Pressure / Doggie Pounded
33 To Ape or Not to Ape / Tarred and Married / Peek-A-Boom
32 Stagecoach Tex / Bored of the Flies / Slaphappy Birthday
31 Tallywho / The Eggs-stra Terrestrial / Double O Scussi
30 Water You Gonna Do? / Run for Your Lifeguard / A Shoe Thing
29 Up A Tree Without A Paddle / Mechanically Declined / Power Pooch No More
28 Wrapped Up in His Work / Cyrano De Burg-A-Rock Head / Terminal Veloci-Pete
27 The President's Fly / The Long-Awaited Evil Twin Episode! / Donkey Conqueror
26 A-Hunting We Won't Go / Top Gun Shy / Sidekicked
25 Pony Distress / My Fair Freddy / Re Pete Customer1997-10-23
24 The Toothless Fairy / A No Etiquette Barbarian In King Arthur's Court / Look Who's Ughing1997-10-22
23 Fat And Fatter / Cake Me A Bake / Count Danula1997-10-21
22 Fly Incarnation / Power Puppy / The One That Didn't Get Away1997-10-20
21 Nice To Canoe You / Bug To The Future / Yes, We Have No Electricity1997-10-19
20 Caddy Whack / Mutts Attacks! / Dances On Lions1997-10-18
19 Not Even A Sporting Chance / Fat Chance / La Misery1997-10-17
18 Ever Herd Of Cows? / The Return Of Dr. Hydrant / Fortunate Fly1997-10-16
17 Tex Babies / Gunga Dan / Is There A Doctor In The Cave?1997-10-15
16 Virtual Tex / Chicken Scouts / Pompeii Away1997-10-14
15 Out Of Shape Out Of Mind / Pain In The Rain Forest / Bank You Very Much1997-10-13
14 Gangster Rip / Himalaya Down And Die / The Ugh-Lympic Games1997-10-12
13 What's Yours Is Mayan / Wish Upon A Star Traveler / Mile High Fly1997-10-11
12 Disasterpiece Theater / You Take The High Road / Caveman And Wife1997-10-10
11 A Man Called Horsey / Neanderthal Mom / Toy Store Story1997-10-09
10 Greek A-Boo / Toothpaste Pete / Cave Improvement1997-10-08
9 Tell Tale Fly / True Or False Alarm / SSSpeed1997-10-07
8 Cat Scratch Fervor / Say Goodnight Freddy / Quiet Please1997-10-06
7 Silence of the Lames / Aloha Oy / Black And Blue Belt1997-10-05
6 Mine, Mine, Mine / Stupe Du Jour / Teacher's Pest1997-10-04
5 Driving Mr. Dan / Who Kilt The Conquerer / Saur Loser1997-10-03
4 Bottleneck Bear / Sitter Jitters / Flychiatry1997-10-02
3 Cabin Fever / Cruisin' For A Bruisin' / Breakfast In Bedlam1997-10-01
2 The Not So Great Train Robbery / Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Wall / Martial Blitz1997-09-30
1 Rodeo, Rodeo, Where For Art Thou Rodeo? / The Dis-orderly / A Bird In The Brain Is Worth Two In The Bush1997-09-29

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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