Often referred to as "Filmation's Ghostbusters," this 1986 animated series was based on the 1975 live-action TV show "The Ghost Busters" (neither of which are connected to the 1984 film "Ghostbusters" or its subsequent cartoon "The Real Ghostbusters"). In this series, Jake Kong Jr. and Eddie Spencer Jr. are sons of the original Ghost Busters, and they work alongside Tracy the Gorilla (who also worked with their fathers). Together, they are dedicated to ridding the world of the evil ghost wizard Prime Evil and his cast of henchmen. (Quelle:
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Children | Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1986-09-08 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Children | Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1986-09-08 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
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