Tiny Toon Adventures

Set in the fictional town of Acme Acres, the series follows the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend Acme Looniversity to become the next generation of characters from Looney Tunes. The cartoon was the first animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Animation | Children
First Aired: 1990-09-14 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 3 (show/hide)
20 It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special1992-12-06
19 Best of Buster Day1992-11-23
18 A Cat's Eye View1992-11-16
17 Weekday Afternoon Live1992-11-16
16 Sport Shorts1992-11-13
15 The Horror of Slumber Party Mountain1992-11-12
14 Music Day1992-11-11
13 Grandma's Dead1992-11-10
12 Toon TV1992-11-09
11 Washingtoon1992-11-04
10 Buster's Directorial Debut1992-11-02
9 Two-Tone Town1992-09-28
8 Toons from the Crypt1992-09-22
7 Toons Take Over1992-09-21
6 The Return of Batduck1992-09-19
5 Flea for Your Life1992-09-18
4 What Makes a Toon Tick1992-09-17
3 Fox Trot1992-09-16
2 New Class Day1992-09-15
1 Thirteensomething1992-09-14
Season 2 (show/hide)
13 Take Elmyra Please1992-02-17
12 Sepulveda Boulevard1992-02-10
11 Kon Ducki1992-02-03
10 Love Disconnection1991-11-25
9 Henny Youngman Day1991-11-22
8 Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian1991-11-18
7 Acme Cable TV1991-11-11
6 Toon Physics1991-11-04
5 Playtime Toons1991-09-20
4 Hog Wild Hamton1991-09-19
3 Elephant Issues1991-09-18
2 Going Places1991-09-17
1 Pledge Day1991-09-16
Season 1 (show/hide)
65 High Toon1991-03-29
64 K-ACME TV1991-02-26
63 No Toon is an Island1991-02-25
62 Here's Hamton1991-02-22
61 New Character Day1991-02-20
60 How Sweetie It Is1991-02-19
59 Brave Tales of Real Rabbits1991-02-18
58 You Asked for It Again1991-02-15
57 Pollution Solution1991-02-14
56 Son of the Wacko World of Sports1991-02-12
55 Viewer Mail Day1991-02-11
54 Weirdest Story Ever Told1991-02-08
53 The Acme Home Shopping Show1991-02-06
52 The Return of the Acme Acres Zone1991-02-04
51 Tiny Toon Music Television1991-02-01
50 Who Bopped Bugs Bunny?1990-12-14
49 Fairy Tales for the '90s1990-12-12
48 Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool!1990-12-10
47 Son of Looniversity Daze1990-12-07
46 Ask Mr. Popular1990-12-05
45 Whale's Tales1990-11-26
44 Hero Hamton1990-11-23
43 Best o' Plucky Duck Day1990-11-21
42 Looniversity Days1990-11-20
41 Dating, Acme Acres Style1990-11-19
40 The Acme Bowl1990-11-16
39 Inside Plucky Duck1990-11-15
38 Strange Tales of Weird Science1990-11-14
37 Career Oppor-Toon-ities1990-11-13
36 Animaniacs!1990-11-12
35 A Ditch in Time1990-11-09
34 The Wide World of Elmyra1990-11-08
33 Psychic Fun-Omenon Day1990-11-07
32 Spring in Acme Acres1990-11-06
31 Sawdust and Toonsil1990-11-05
30 Fields of Honey1990-11-02
29 Rainy Daze1990-11-01
28 The Wacko World of Sports1990-10-30
27 Europe in 30 Minutes1990-10-26
26 Hollywood Plucky1990-10-23
25 You Asked for It, Part II1990-10-22
24 Buster and the Wolverine1990-10-19
23 Wake Up Call of the Wild1990-10-17
22 Citizen Max1990-10-15
21 Gang Busters1990-10-12
20 You Asked for It1990-10-11
19 Cinemaniacs!1990-10-10
18 Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow1990-10-09
17 Prom-ise Her Anything1990-10-08
16 Rock 'n' Roar1990-10-05
15 Life in the 1990s1990-10-04
14 The Acme Acres Zone1990-10-03
13 Furrball Follies1990-10-02
12 Hare-Raising Night1990-10-01
11 Starting from Scratch1990-09-28
10 Looking Out for the Little Guy1990-09-27
9 It's Buster Bunny Time1990-09-26
8 Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night1990-09-25
7 Journey to the Center of Acme Acres1990-09-24
6 Her Wacky Highness1990-09-21
5 The Buster Bunny Bunch1990-09-20
4 Test Stressed1990-09-19
3 The Wheel o' Comedy1990-09-18
2 A Quack in the Quarks1990-09-17
1 The Looney Beginning1990-09-14
Season 0 (show/hide)
4 From Looney Tunes to Tiny Toons - A Wacky Evolution2008-07-29
3 Night Ghoulery1995-05-28
2 Spring Break Special1994-04-17
1 How I Spent My Vacation1993-03-11

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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