Dark (2017)

Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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A missing child sets four families on a frantic hunt for answers as they unearth a mind-bending mystery that spans three generations. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Crime | Mystery | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Netflix (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2017-12-01 Status: Ended Length: 51 Min
Genre: Crime | Mystery | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Netflix (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2017-12-01 Status: Ended Length: 51 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
Please report problematic content here)
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(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Season 3 (show/hide) | ||
8 | The Paradise | 2020-06-27 |
7 | Between the Time | 2020-06-27 |
6 | Light and Shadow | 2020-06-27 |
5 | Life and Death | 2020-06-27 |
4 | The Origin | 2020-06-27 |
3 | Adam and Eva | 2020-06-27 |
2 | The Survivors | 2020-06-27 |
1 | Deja-vu | 2020-06-27 |
Season 2 (show/hide) |
Season 1 (show/hide) |
(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
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