First crushes, first kisses, beautiful friendships ... and quarrels between rivals. At the Galileo Galilei middle school, days go by among a thousand surprises! (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Children | Comedy | Drama | Family
Available at: Netflix (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2022-05-18 Status: Continuing Length: 27 Min

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Season 2 (show/hide)
14 Episode 142023-12-06
13 Episode 132023-12-06
12 Episode 122023-12-06
11 Episode 112023-12-06
10 Episode 102023-12-06
9 Episode 92023-12-06
8 Episode 82023-12-06
7 Episode 72023-09-14
6 Episode 62023-09-14
5 Episode 52023-09-14
4 Episode 42023-09-14
3 Episode 32023-09-14
2 Episode 22023-09-14
1 Episode 12023-09-14
Season 1 (show/hide)
15 Episode 152022-05-18
14 Episode 142022-05-18
13 Episode 132022-05-18
12 Episode 122022-05-18
11 Episode 112022-05-18
10 Episode 102022-05-18
9 Episode 92022-05-18
8 Episode 82022-05-18
7 Episode 72022-05-18
6 Episode 62022-05-18
5 Episode 52022-05-18
4 Episode 42022-05-18
3 Episode 32022-05-18
2 Episode 22022-05-18
1 Episode 12022-05-18

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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