Princess Tutu

Ahiru, a young girl living in a small town, is an awkward girl enrolled in a ballet academy who has a crush on one of the most talented boys in the school - the emotionless Mythos. In essence, the story is about Ahiru's quest to find a way to reunite Mythos with his ability to feel. A cute, unique show that doesn't overdo the cuteness. While it looks like a kids show, and from the summary above sounds like a kids show, it's not. There is a melancholy feeling to the show, starting from the beginning theme song. Just what direction this show will go, is yet to be known. (Quelle:
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Drama | Family | Fantasy | Romance
First Aired: 2002-08-16 Status: Ended Length: 12 Min

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Season 2 (show/hide)
25 Finale - Der Nußknacker2003-05-23
24 The Dying Swan - Romeo und Julia (2)2003-05-09
23 2003-05-02
23 The Dying Swan - Romeo und Julia (1)2003-05-02
22 The Prince and the Raven - Danse Macabre (2)2003-04-25
21 2003-04-18
21 The Prince and the Raven - Danse Macabre (1)2003-04-18
20 Marionettes - Ruslan und Ludmilla (2)2003-04-11
19 2003-04-04
19 Marionettes - Ruslan und Ludmilla (1)2003-04-04
18 Crown of Stone - Das große Tor von Kiew (2)2003-03-28
17 2003-03-21
17 Crown of Stone - Das große Tor von Kiew (1)2003-03-21
16 The Spinners - Lieder ohne Worte (2)2003-03-14
15 2003-03-07
15 The Spinners - Lieder ohne Worte (1)2003-03-07
14 A Forgotten Story - Die verkaufte Braut (2)2003-02-28
13 2003-02-21
13 A Forgotten Story - Die verkaufte Braut (1)2003-02-21
12 A Midsummer Night's Dream - Ein Sommernachtstraum (2)2003-02-14
11 2003-02-07
11 A Midsummer Night's Dream - Ein Sommernachtstraum (1)2003-02-07
10 Wandering Knight - Egmont Ouvertüre (2)2003-01-31
9 2003-01-24
9 Wandering Knight - Egmont Ouvertüre (1)2003-01-24
8 Crime and Punishment - Carmen Aragonaise (2)2003-01-17
7 2002-12-27
7 Crime and Punishment - Carmen Aragonaise (1)2003-01-10
6 Prayers of a Maiden - Gebet einer Jungfrau (2)2002-12-20
5 2002-12-13
5 Prayers of a Maiden - Gebet einer Jungfrau (1)2002-12-13
4 Coppelia (2)2002-12-06
3 2002-11-29
3 Coppelia (1)2002-11-29
2 Monster Raven - Blumenwalzer (2)2002-11-22
1 2002-11-15
1 Monster Raven - Blumenwalzer (1)2002-11-15
Season 1 (show/hide)
13 Swan Lake - Schwanensee2002-11-08
12 Banquet of Darkness - Scheherazade2002-11-01
11 La Sylphide2002-10-25
10 Cinderella - Aschenbrödel: Walzer-Coda2002-10-18
9 Black Shoes - Bilder einer Ausstellung: Alten Schloß2002-10-11
8 The Fountain of Warriors - Fantasie-Ouvertüre zu "Romeo und Julia"2002-10-04
7 Raven Princess - An der schönen blauen Donau2002-09-27
6 Aurora Dreaming - Dornröschen: Prolog2002-09-20
5 On the Eve of the Fire Festival - Bilder einer Ausstellung: Die Katakomben2002-09-13
4 Giselle2002-09-06
3 A Princess's Oath - Dornröschen: Panorama2002-08-30
2 Pieces of the Heart - Schwanensee: Scène finale2002-08-23
1 Ahiru and the Prince - Der Nußknacker: Blumenwalzer2002-08-16
Season 0 (show/hide)
13 Ballet for Beginners, Part 3
12 Ballet for Beginners, Part 2
11 Ballet for Beginners, Part 1
10 Étude 6
9 Étude 5
8 Étude 4
7 Étude 3
6 Étude 2
5 Étude 1
4 Pre-Production Promotional Video
3 Vorfinale2003-05-16
2 Suite of the Egg2003-01-03
1 Mr. Cat's Love Lesson2002-12-27


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