Sakura Wars
The story takes place in an alternate 1920s Tokyo. It follows the adventures of an all-female secret task force known as the Imperial Assault Force — Flower Division as they defend the Imperial Capital Tokyo against evil. They are led by Ichiro Ogami, a newly graduated Imperial Navy Ensign who had been assigned to the squad partly due to his unique ability to use a special type of armor that only women having high levels of spiritual powers could previously operate. The setting eventually moved on to other locations such as Paris and New York. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Drama | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1997-12-18 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Drama | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1997-12-18 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
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Season 1 (show/hide) | ||
25 | Continuation of the Dream | 2000-09-23 |
24 | Ties | 2000-09-16 |
23 | Machine of Dreams | 2000-09-09 |
22 | The Imperial Theater Goes Up In Flames | 2000-09-02 |
21 | One More Battle | 2000-08-26 |
20 | The Darkness Steals Closer | 2000-08-19 |
19 | The Formation to Destroy Evil | 2000-08-12 |
18 | Cinderella | 2000-08-05 |
17 | Overture | 2000-07-29 |
16 | Anti-Kouma Squad | 2000-07-22 |
15 | Sakura's Return to her Homeland | 2000-07-15 |
14 | Iris Goes Forth | 2000-07-08 |
13 | Bloom Like a Flower! On a Maiden's Pride! | 2000-07-01 |
12 | Lonely Birthday | 2000-06-24 |
11 | The Flower Division Training Camp | 2000-06-17 |
10 | The Kanna that Summons a Storm | 2000-06-10 |
9 | A Girl Called Kazuar | 2000-06-03 |
8 | This is Revue! | 2000-05-27 |
7 | Tasty Order | 2000-05-20 |
6 | The Koubu's Heart | 2000-05-13 |
5 | Evil Shadow | 2000-05-06 |
4 | The Flower Combat Troop's New Commander | 2000-04-29 |
3 | Sakura's Stage Debut | 2000-04-22 |
2 | The City to be Defended | 2000-04-15 |
1 | Sakura Arrives at the Capital | 2000-04-08 |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
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