Shingetsutan Tsukihime

Shiki Tohno has a secret. As the result of a childhood injury, he can see the lines of energy that bind all things together. and by severing those lines he can destroy almost anything! Only a special pair of glasses that mute his extraordinary perceptions have kept him sane, but his attempts at living a "normal" life come to a shocking end when he is approached by a strange and dangerous woman with her own terrifying secret. Now, Shiki is fighting both for his life and to unravel the secrets of his own past; for even with a mysterious female vampire as an ally, how can anyone defeat an enemy whose power is to always be reborn? Unstoppable forces collide in Tsukimime-Lunar Legend (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Romance
First Aired: 2003-09-26 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
12 Lunar World2003-12-18
11 Unfortunate Night2003-12-18
10 Vermilion Crimson Moon2003-12-11
9 Death2003-12-04
8 Origami2003-11-27
7 Blue Ruins2003-11-20
6 The White Dream2003-11-13
5 Bow in the Sky2003-11-06
4 The Cradle Garden2003-10-30
3 Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2003-10-23
2 The Black Beast2003-10-16
1 Inverted Impulses2003-10-09
Season 0 (show/hide)
1 Prologue2003-09-26


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