Sons of Anarchy

Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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Single father Jax Teller finds his loyalty to his outlaw motorcycle club tested by his growing unease concerning the group's lawlessness. While the club protects and patrols the town of Charming, Calif., keeping drug dealers away, its activities also include a thriving -- and lucrative -- illegal arms business. (Quelle:
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2008-09-03 Status: Ended Length: 42 Min
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2008-09-03 Status: Ended Length: 42 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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Season 7 (show/hide) | ||
13 | Papa's Goods | 2014-12-09 |
12 | Red Rose | 2014-12-02 |
11 | Suits of Woe | 2014-11-18 |
10 | Faith and Despondency | 2014-11-11 |
9 | What a Piece of Work Is Man | 2014-11-04 |
8 | The Separation of Crows | 2014-10-28 |
7 | Greensleeves | 2014-10-21 |
6 | Smoke 'em if You Got 'em | 2014-10-14 |
5 | Some Strange Eruption | 2014-10-07 |
4 | Poor Little Lambs | 2014-09-30 |
3 | Playing With Monsters | 2014-09-23 |
2 | Toil and Till | 2014-09-16 |
1 | Black Widower | 2014-09-09 |
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(8/10 Sterne)
2017-08-05 21:24

Die Serie kann manchmal etwas Kitschig sein, aber im großen und ganzen richtig gut.
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