Goofy und Max (Goof Troop)
Goof Troop is an American animated sitcom television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The series focuses on the relationship between single father Goofy and his son, Max, as well as their neighbors Pete and his family. (Quelle:
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Children | Comedy | Family
First Aired: 1992-09-07 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Children | Comedy | Family
First Aired: 1992-09-07 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
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Season 2 (show/hide) | ||
13 | Clan of the Cave Goof | 1992-12-05 |
12 | From Air to Eternity | 1992-11-28 |
11 | Sherlock Goof | 1992-11-21 |
10 | Goofin' up the Social Ladder | 1992-11-14 |
9 | Tee for Two | 1992-11-07 |
8 | Talent to the Max | 1992-10-31 |
7 | Bringin' on the Rain | 1992-10-24 |
6 | Pistolgeist | 1992-10-17 |
5 | Three Ring Bind | 1992-10-10 |
4 | Great Egg-Spectations | 1992-10-03 |
3 | Puppy Love | 1992-09-26 |
2 | Maximum Insecurity | 1992-09-19 |
1 | Queasy Rider | 1992-09-12 |
Season 1 (show/hide) |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
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