Men in Trees

A relationship-advice guru, upon learning that her fiancé is cheating on her, decides to stay in a small town in Alaska, the most recent stop on her book tour. It's in this remote town, where the ratio of men to women is ten to one, she realizes she can truly learn about the subject she thought she knew so well -- how to find, and keep, a good man. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
First Aired: 2006-09-12 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
First Aired: 2006-09-12 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
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Season 2 (show/hide) | ||
19 | Taking the Lead | 2008-06-11 |
18 | Surprise, Surprise | 2008-06-04 |
17 | New Dogs, Old Tricks | 2008-05-28 |
16 | Kiss and Don't Tell | 2008-04-23 |
15 | Wander/Lust | 2008-04-16 |
14 | Get a Life | 2008-04-02 |
13 | A Tale of Two Kidneys | 2008-03-26 |
12 | Read Between the Minds | 2008-03-19 |
11 | Home, Seized Home | 2008-03-12 |
10 | Sonata in Three Parts | 2008-03-05 |
9 | Charity Case | 2008-02-27 |
8 | Sweatering It Out | 2007-12-07 |
7 | Sea Change | 2007-11-23 |
6 | Nice Day For a Dry Wedding (2) | 2007-11-16 |
5 | The Girl Who Cried Wolf (1) | 2007-11-09 |
4 | I Wood If I Could | 2007-11-02 |
3 | No Man is an Iceland | 2007-10-26 |
2 | Chemical Reactions | 2007-10-19 |
1 | A Tree Goes in Elmo | 2007-10-12 |
Season 1 (show/hide) |
(9/10 Sterne)
2015-08-04 17:03

Es passiert nicht viel, aber es ist eine wirkliche Wohlfühlserie, die gegen Liebeskummer hilft. Es lebe Alaska!

Kleinstadtsetting mit liebenswerten Figuren. Romantische Verwicklungen. Comedy.
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