The Adventures of Tweeny Witches

Alice believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches - and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Alice realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things. (Quelle:
Genre: Adventure | Animation | Family | Fantasy | Mystery | Science Fiction
First Aired: 2004-04-09 Status: Ended Length: 9 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
40 Hope2005-03-04
39 Magic of Light2005-03-04
38 Black Magic2005-02-25
37 Demise2005-02-18
36 Escape2005-02-11
35 Collapse2005-02-04
34 Promise2005-01-28
33 Papa is Alive2005-01-28
32 One Should Protect the Truth2005-01-21
31 Painful Thoughts2005-01-02
30 Lennon's True Character2004-12-03
29 True Demon-Led Book2004-11-26
28 Full Attack2004-11-19
27 Omen of Destruction2004-11-12
26 Broken Heart2004-11-05
25 Doubt2004-10-29
24 Light of Hope2004-10-22
23 Witch of Betrayal2004-10-15
22 Pirate Lennon2004-10-08
21 Interdimensional Sea2004-10-01
20 Magic-Girl Squad2004-09-24
19 Desperate Situation2004-09-17
18 True Wizard2004-09-10
17 Infiltration! Demon World2004-09-03
16 Eva's Courage2004-07-23
15 Cursed Magic2004-07-16
14 Sheila's Doubts2004-07-09
13 Witch Sigma2004-07-02
12 Happy Birthday2004-06-25
11 Witch Tradition2004-06-18
10 Large Flood2004-06-11
9 Petrification Spell2004-06-04
8 Forest of No Return2004-05-28
7 Pisky's Tusk2004-05-21
6 Griffin's Feather2004-05-14
5 Demon led Book2004-05-07
4 Sprite-War2004-04-30
3 Magic Broom2004-04-23
2 One-Hundred Sprites2004-04-16
1 Country of Witches2004-04-09
Season 0 (show/hide)
6 Adventure 6 - Magical Girl Squad Storm and Stress2007-11-22
5 Adventure 4 - The Secret of Dragon House2007-11-22
4 Adventure 3 - The Ice Witch and the Dragon of Fire & Ice2007-11-22
3 Adventure 2 - The Fairy Chronicles2007-11-22
2 Adventure 5 - A Heart Sealed Away2007-11-22
1 Adventure 1 - The Magical Girls Squad Transformed Into Fish!2007-11-22


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