Rockos Modern Life

Rocko is a wallaby who has emigrated to America from Australia. He lives in O-Town and tries to get through life but, of course, comes across a multitude of dilemmas and misadventures he must get through. Other characters include Rocko's best friend, Heffer, a steer who has been raised by wolves, Filbert, a paranoid hypochondriac turtle, Rocko's faithful (but none-too-bright) dog Spunky, and Ed Bighead who detests Rocko and hates having him for a next door neighbor. On this show, Rocko has such adventures as trying to adapt to a new vacuum cleaner, having Heffer move in temporarily after his parents kick him out, and going to a movie theater. (Quelle:
Genre: Animation | Children | Comedy
First Aired: 1992-09-05 Status: Ended Length: 11 Min
Genre: Animation | Children | Comedy
First Aired: 1992-09-05 Status: Ended Length: 11 Min
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Season 4 (show/hide) | ||
26 | Floundering Fathers | 1996-11-24 |
25 | Turkey Time | 1996-11-24 |
24 | Future Schlock | 1996-10-10 |
23 | Put to Pasture | 1996-10-10 |
22 | Driving Mrs. Wolfe | 1996-10-08 |
21 | Hypno-Puppy Luv | 1996-10-08 |
20 | Rug Birds | 1996-07-19 |
19 | Dumbells | 1996-07-19 |
18 | Wallaby on Wheels | 1996-07-18 |
17 | Heff in a Handbasket | 1996-07-18 |
16 | Fly Burgers | 1996-07-17 |
15 | The High-Five of Doom | 1996-07-17 |
14 | Seat to Stardom | 1996-07-16 |
13 | Closet Clown | 1996-07-16 |
12 | Magic Meatball | 1996-07-15 |
11 | S.W.A.K. | 1996-07-15 |
10 | Feisty Geist | 1996-07-12 |
9 | Mama's Boy | 1996-07-12 |
8 | Yarnbenders | 1996-07-11 |
7 | Wimp on the Barby | 1996-07-11 |
6 | Teed Off | 1996-07-10 |
5 | Ed Good, Rocko Bad | 1996-07-10 |
4 | From Here to Maternity | 1996-07-09 |
3 | Pranksters | 1996-07-09 |
2 | Sailing the Seven Zzz's | 1996-07-08 |
1 | With Friends Like These | 1996-07-08 |
Season 3 (show/hide) |
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Season 1 (show/hide) |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
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