Robotech is the critically acclaimed animated series about mankind's first contact with warring alien races, and the use of alien technology to defend Earth. The series was broken into three chapters, The Macross Saga, The Robotech Masters, and The New Generation. Released in 1985, Robotech was the first anime (Japanese animation) series that many fans had seen, and is often accredited as the cause of the anime fandom that continues to grow today in the United States. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1984-07-07 Status: Ended Length: 30 Min
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Science Fiction
First Aired: 1984-07-07 Status: Ended Length: 30 Min
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Season 3 (show/hide) | ||
25 | Symphony of Light | 1985-06-28 |
24 | Dark Finale | 1985-06-27 |
23 | Reflex Point | 1985-06-26 |
22 | The Big Apple | 1985-06-25 |
21 | Hired Gun | 1985-06-24 |
20 | Birthday Blues | 1985-06-21 |
19 | Frostbite | 1985-06-20 |
18 | Ghost Town | 1985-06-19 |
17 | The Midnight Sun | 1985-06-18 |
16 | Metamorphosis | 1985-06-17 |
15 | Separate Ways | 1985-06-14 |
14 | Annie's Wedding | 1985-06-13 |
13 | Sandstorm | 1985-06-12 |
12 | The Fortress | 1985-06-11 |
11 | The Secret Route | 1985-06-10 |
10 | Enter Marlene | 1985-06-07 |
9 | The Genesis Pits | 1985-06-06 |
8 | Eulogy | 1985-06-05 |
7 | Paper Hero | 1985-06-04 |
6 | Hard Times | 1985-06-03 |
5 | Curtain Call | 1985-05-31 |
4 | Survival | 1985-05-30 |
3 | Lonely Soldier Boy | 1985-05-29 |
2 | The Lost City | 1985-05-28 |
1 | The Invid Invasion | 1985-05-27 |
Season 2 (show/hide) |
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Season 0 (show/hide) |
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