True Blood

Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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Telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse encounters a strange new supernatural world when she meets the mysterious Bill Compton, a southern Louisiana gentleman and vampire. (Quelle:
Genre: Crime | Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Romance | Thriller
Available at: Sky Go (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2008-06-16 Status: Ended Length: 56 Min
Genre: Crime | Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Romance | Thriller
Available at: Sky Go (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2008-06-16 Status: Ended Length: 56 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
Please report problematic content here)
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Season 7 (show/hide) | ||
10 | Thank You | 2014-08-24 |
9 | Love Is to Die | 2014-08-17 |
8 | Almost Home | 2014-08-10 |
7 | May Be The Last Time | 2014-08-03 |
6 | Karma | 2014-07-27 |
5 | Lost Cause | 2014-07-20 |
4 | Death is Not the End | 2014-07-13 |
3 | Fire in the Hole | 2014-07-06 |
2 | I Found You | 2014-06-29 |
1 | Jesus Gonna Be Here | 2014-06-22 |
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(7/10 Sterne)
2017-05-26 18:51

Die Vorstellung, dass Vampire, Werwölfe, Gestaltwandler und Elfen unter und Leben, ist einfach genial. Leider verliert die Serie stark an Qualität ab der 5. Staffel. Die siebente ist unerträglich.

Weil es in beiden Serien um das Nebeneinander zwischen Übernatürlichen und Menschen in der heutigen Zeit geht.
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