Sleepy Hollow

Ichabod Crane awakes from the throes of death 250 years in the future where he must solve a mystery dating back to the founding fathers. Due to a blood spell cast on a battlefield during the Revolution, the infamous headless horseman is revived along with Crane, and the murderous rider embarks on a bloody rampage in present-day Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod realizes that he must act quickly, for the headless horseman is only the first of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Detective Abbie Mills, a woman familiar with supernatural experiences, forms a bond with Crane as they try to stop an increasingly vicious cycle of evil. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Crime | Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2013-09-16 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min

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Season 4 (show/hide)
13 Freedom2017-03-31
12 Tomorrow2017-03-24
11 The Way of the Gun2017-03-17
10 Insatiable2017-03-10
9 Child's Play2017-03-03
8 Sick Burn2017-02-24
7 Loco Parentis2017-02-17
6 Homecoming2017-02-10
5 Blood from a Stone2017-02-03
4 The People vs. Ichabod Crane2017-01-27
3 Heads of State2017-01-20
2 In Plain Sight2017-01-13
1 Columbia2017-01-06
Season 3 (show/hide)
18 Ragnarok2016-04-08
17 Delaware2016-04-01
16 Dawn's Early Light2016-03-25
15 Incommunicado2016-03-18
14 Into the Wild2016-03-11
13 Dark Mirror2016-03-04
12 Sins of the Father2016-02-26
11 Kindred Spirits2016-02-19
10 Incident at Stone Manor2016-02-12
9 One Life2016-02-05
8 Novus Ordo Seclorum2015-11-19
7 The Art of War2015-11-12
6 This Red Lady from Caribee2015-11-05
5 Dead Men Tell No Tales (2)2015-10-29
4 The Sisters Mills2015-10-22
3 Blood and Fear2015-10-15
2 Whispers in the Dark2015-10-08
1 I, Witness2015-10-01
Season 2 (show/hide)
18 Tempus Fugit2015-02-23
17 Awakening2015-02-16
16 What Lies Beneath2015-02-09
15 Spellcaster2015-02-02
14 Kali Yuga2015-01-26
13 Pittura Infamante2015-01-19
12 Paradise Lost2015-01-05
11 The Akeda2014-12-01
10 Magnum Opus2014-11-24
9 Mama2014-11-17
8 Heartless2014-11-10
7 Deliverance2014-11-03
6 And the Abyss Gazes Back2014-10-27
5 The Weeping Lady2014-10-20
4 Go Where I Send Thee...2014-10-13
3 Root of All Evil2014-10-06
2 The Kindred2014-09-29
1 This Is War2014-09-22
Season 1 (show/hide)
13 Bad Blood2014-01-20
12 The Indispensable Man2014-01-20
11 The Vessel2014-01-13
10 The Golem2013-12-09
9 Sanctuary2013-11-25
8 Necromancer2013-11-18
7 The Midnight Ride2013-11-11
6 The Sin Eater2013-11-04
5 John Doe2013-10-14
4 The Lesser Key of Solomon2013-10-07
3 For the Triumph of Evil2013-09-30
2 Blood Moon2013-09-23
1 Pilot2013-09-16
Season 0 (show/hide)
1 The Resurrection in the Remains (1)2015-11-05


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