Overview Episodes+
The drama revolves around a public elementary school beset with problems. Eguchi plays the passionate protagonist, who worked at construction sites for 20 years with a mid-sized general contractor. However, in order to keep a promise he made with his former teacher, he suddenly changes jobs and becomes the principal of his old school, which he must save from closing down. (Quelle:
Genre: Drama
First Aired: 2011-01-16 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
9 Episode 92011-03-20
8 Episode 82011-03-06
7 Episode 72011-02-27
6 Episode 62011-02-20
5 Episode 52011-02-13
4 Episode 42011-02-06
3 Episode 32011-01-30
2 Episode 22011-01-23
1 Episode 12011-01-16


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