Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, the mining space-station Terok Nor was left abandoned, its systems ripped out. By invitation of the provisional Bajoran government, Starfleet stepped in to oversee the rebuilding and day-to-day operations of the newly christened Deep Space Nine. DS9 soon became a center of travel and commerce thanks to a newly found stable wormhole leading to the largely unexplored Gamma Quadrant. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Science Fiction
Available at: NetflixParamount+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 1993-01-03 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Science Fiction
Available at: NetflixParamount+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 1993-01-03 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
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Season 7 (show/hide) | ||
26 | What You Leave Behind (2) | 1999-06-02 |
25 | What You Leave Behind (1) | 1999-06-02 |
24 | The Dogs of War | 1999-05-26 |
23 | Extreme Measures | 1999-05-19 |
22 | Tacking Into the Wind | 1999-05-12 |
21 | When it Rains... | 1999-05-05 |
20 | The Changing Face of Evil | 1999-04-28 |
19 | Strange Bedfellows | 1999-04-21 |
18 | 'Til Death Do Us Part | 1999-04-14 |
17 | Penumbra | 1999-04-07 |
16 | Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges | 1999-03-03 |
15 | Badda-Bing Badda-Bang | 1999-02-24 |
14 | Chimera | 1999-02-17 |
13 | Field of Fire | 1999-02-10 |
12 | The Emperor's New Cloak | 1999-02-03 |
11 | Prodigal Daughter | 1999-01-06 |
10 | It's Only a Paper Moon | 1998-12-30 |
9 | Covenant | 1998-11-25 |
8 | The Siege of AR-558 | 1998-11-18 |
7 | Once More Unto the Breach | 1998-11-11 |
6 | Treachery, Faith and the Great River | 1998-11-04 |
5 | Chrysalis | 1998-10-28 |
4 | Take Me Out to the Holosuite | 1998-10-21 |
3 | Afterimage | 1998-10-14 |
2 | Shadows and Symbols | 1998-10-07 |
1 | Image in the Sand | 1998-09-30 |
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