Ties That Bind

Overview Episodes+
"Ties that Bind" revolves around Allison McLean, a tough and experienced police detective, mother and wife in suburban Seattle. When she and her police partner must arrest her brother for aggravated assault, her world drastically changes as he's convicted and sent to prison, leaving his two teenagers teetering on the brink of foster care. Ultimately, she takes them into her home, ending up with four teenagers to raise. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Crime | Drama | Family
First Aired: 2015-08-12 Status: Ended Length: 40 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
10 Protect and Serve2015-10-14
9 Legacy2015-10-07
8 Paying For It2015-09-30
7 The Whole Picture2015-09-23
6 Controlled Substance2015-09-16
5 United Front2015-09-09
4 It Doesn't Show2015-09-02
3 Ghosts2015-08-26
2 A Fresh Start2015-08-19
1 Pilot2015-08-12

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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