Marvels Jessica Jones

Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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When a tragedy puts an end to her short-lived career as a superhero, Jessica settles in New York City and opens her own detective agency, called Alias Investigations, which seems to get involved in cases involving people who have special abilities. Suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, Jessica wants to do good, but her primary interest isn't saving the world, it's saving her apartment and getting through each day. Based on a graphic novel intended for adults, this is not a superhero story for the kids. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2015-11-20 Status: Ended Length: 52 Min
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2015-11-20 Status: Ended Length: 52 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
Please report problematic content here)
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Season 3 (show/hide) | ||
13 | AKA Everything | 2019-06-14 |
12 | AKA A Lotta Worms | 2019-06-14 |
11 | AKA Hellcat | 2019-06-14 |
10 | AKA Hero Pants | 2019-06-14 |
9 | AKA I Did Something Today | 2019-06-14 |
8 | AKA Camera Friendly | 2019-06-14 |
7 | AKA The Double Half-Wappinger | 2019-06-14 |
6 | AKA Sorry Face | 2019-06-14 |
5 | AKA I Wish | 2019-06-14 |
4 | AKA Customer Service is Standing By | 2019-06-14 |
3 | AKA I Have No Spleen | 2019-06-14 |
2 | AKA You're Welcome | 2019-06-14 |
1 | AKA The Perfect Burger | 2019-06-14 |
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