One-Punch Man

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Saitama is a superhero who has trained so hard that his hair has fallen out, and who can overcome any enemy with one punch. However, because he is so strong, he has become bored and frustrated that he wins all of his battles too easily. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Animation | Comedy | Fantasy | Science Fiction
First Aired: 2015-10-04 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 3 (show/hide)
Season 2 (show/hide)
12 The Wiping of the Disciple's Butt2019-07-03
11 The Varieties of Pride2019-06-26
10 Justice Under Siege2019-06-19
9 The Troubles of the Strongest2019-06-12
8 The Resistance of the Strong2019-05-29
7 The Class S Heroes2019-05-22
6 The Monster Uprising2019-05-15
5 The Martial Arts Tournament2019-05-08
4 The Metal Bat2019-05-01
3 The Hunt Begins2019-04-24
2 The Human Monster2019-04-17
1 Return of the Hero2019-04-10
Season 1 (show/hide)
12 The Strongest Hero2015-12-20
11 The Dominator of the Universe2015-12-13
10 Unparalleled Peril2015-12-06
9 Unyielding Justice2015-11-29
8 The Deep Sea King2015-11-22
7 The Ultimate Disciple2015-11-15
6 The Terrifying City2015-11-08
5 The Ultimate Master2015-11-01
4 The Modern Ninja2015-10-26
3 The Obsessive Scientist2015-10-18
2 The Lone Cyborg2015-10-11
1 The Strongest Man2015-10-04
Season 0 (show/hide)
16 An Evening with the Cast and Staff of One Punch Man
15 Road to hero2015-12-04
14 The Murder Case That Is Just Too Impossible 2: Snowed-in Heroes and the Mountain Retreat2020-03-27
13 Puri-Puri Prisoner and the Jailbreak2020-02-27
12 Games and Rivals2020-01-28
11 Genos and Amnesia2019-12-25
10 Fishing With the Old Boys2019-11-26
9 Saitama and the Mediocre Gang2019-10-17
8 A Super Serious Look Back!2019-04-03
7 The Far Too Impossible Case of Murder2016-05-27
6 The Sisters With Too Much Going On2016-04-22
5 The Excessively Pushy Bang2016-03-25
4 The Overly-Complicated Ninja2016-02-24
3 The Disciple Who Sucks at Storytelling2016-01-28
2 The Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close2015-12-24
1 Road to Hero2015-12-04

Anonymisiert (10/10 Sterne) 2016-08-09 02:03
verarscht alle anime klischees :D einfach nur göttlich und wer animes mag mag auch one punch man :D

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