Tom und Jerry

Overview Episodes+
This is all the Tom and Jerry shorts, from 1940 to 1967. The first 114 are from the Hanna-Barbera era (1940 – 1958), the next 13 are from the Gene Deitch era (1960 – 1962), and the last 34 are from the Chuck Jones era (1963 – 1967). (Quelle:
Genre: Animation | Children | Comedy
First Aired: 1940-02-10 Status: Ended Length: 7 Min

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Season 1960 (show/hide)
47 Purr-Chance to Dream1967-09-07
46 Advance and Be Mechanized1967-08-29
45 Shutter-Bugged Cat1967-06-18
44 Surf-Bored Cat1967-06-04
43 The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R.1967-05-07
42 Cannery Rodent1967-04-16
41 Rock 'N' Rodent1967-03-22
40 Guided Mouse-ille1967-02-03
39 O-Solar-Meow1967-01-29
38 Cat and Dupli-Cat1967-01-16
37 Catty-Cornered1966-09-10
36 The A-TOM-iNABLE Snowman1966-06-20
35 Matinee Mouse1966-05-09
34 Filet Meow1966-04-18
33 Puss 'N' Boats1966-03-21
32 Love Me, Love My Mouse1966-02-14
31 Jerry-Go-Round1966-01-20
30 Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary1966-01-14
29 Duel Personality1966-01-08
28 The Cat's Me-Ouch1965-12-22
27 The Year of the Mouse1965-05-17
26 Of Feline Bondage1965-04-26
25 I'm Just Wild About Jerry1965-04-05
24 Haunted Mouse1965-03-29
23 The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off1965-02-22
22 Bad Day at Cat Rock1965-01-24
21 Tom-ic Energy1965-01-11
20 Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life1965-01-03
19 The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse1964-09-02
18 Snowbody Loves Me1964-02-11
17 Much Ado About Mousing1964-01-29
16 Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?1964-01-22
15 The Cat Above and the Mouse Below1964-01-01
14 Pent-House Mouse1963-07-27
13 Carmen Get It!1962-12-01
12 Buddies Thicker Than Water1962-11-01
11 Sorry Safari1962-10-01
10 Tall in the Trap1962-09-01
9 The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit1962-08-01
8 Dicky Moe1962-07-01
7 Calypso Cat1962-06-01
6 Landing Stripling1962-04-01
5 Mouse into Space1962-02-01
4 High Steaks1962-01-01
3 It's Greek to Me-Ow!1961-12-07
2 Down and Outing1961-10-26
1 Switchin' Kitten1961-09-07
Season 1950 (show/hide)
68 Tot Watchers1958-08-01
67 Robin Hoodwinked1958-06-06
66 The Vanishing Duck1958-05-02
65 Royal Cat Nap1958-03-07
64 Happy Go Ducky1958-01-03
63 Tom's Photo Finish1957-11-01
62 Mucho Mouse1957-09-06
61 Feedin' The Kiddie1957-06-07
60 Timid Tabby1957-04-19
59 Tops With Pops1957-02-22
58 Barbecue Brawl1956-12-14
57 Blue Cat Blues1956-11-06
56 Down Beat Bear1956-10-21
55 Muscle Beach Tom1956-09-07
54 Busy Buddies1956-05-04
53 The Egg And Jerry1956-03-23
52 The Flying Sorceress1956-01-27
51 That's My Mommy1955-11-19
50 Pecos Pest1955-11-11
49 Smarty Cat1955-10-14
48 Tom And Chérie1955-09-09
47 Designs On Jerry1955-09-02
46 Mouse For Sale1955-05-21
45 Pup On A Picnic1955-04-30
44 Southbound Duckling1955-03-12
43 Touché, Pussy Cat!1954-12-18
42 Pet Peeve1954-11-20
41 Downhearted Duckling1954-11-13
40 Neapolitan Mouse1954-10-02
39 Mice Follies1954-09-04
38 Baby Butch1954-03-14
37 Little School Mouse1954-05-29
36 Hic-cup Pup1954-04-17
35 Posse Cat1954-01-30
34 Puppy Tale1954-01-23
33 Life With Tom1953-11-21
32 Two Little Indians1953-10-17
31 Just Ducky1953-09-05
30 That's My Pup!1953-04-25
29 Johann Mouse1953-03-21
28 Jerry And Jumbo1953-02-21
27 The Missing Mouse1953-01-10
26 The Dog House1952-11-29
25 Cruise Cat1952-10-18
24 Push-Button Kitty1952-09-06
23 Fit To Be Tied1952-07-26
22 Little Runaway1952-06-14
21 Triplet Trouble1952-04-19
20 Smitten Kitten1952-04-12
19 The Two Mouseketeers1952-03-15
18 The Duck Doctor1952-02-16
17 The Flying Cat1952-01-12
16 Cat Napping1951-12-08
15 Nit-Witty Kitty1951-10-06
14 Slicked-Up Pup1951-09-08
13 His Mouse Friday1951-07-07
12 Sleepy-Time Tom1951-05-26
11 Jerry's Cousin1951-04-07
10 Jerry And The Goldfish1951-03-03
9 Casanova Cat1951-01-06
8 Cue Ball Cat1950-11-25
7 The Framed Cat1950-10-21
6 The Hollywood Bowl1950-09-16
5 Safety Second1950-07-01
4 Jerry And The Lion1950-04-08
3 Texas Tom1950-03-11
2 Saturday Evening Puss1950-01-14
1 Little Quacker1950-01-07
Season 1940 (show/hide)
46 Tennis Chumps1949-12-10
45 Jerry's Diary1949-10-22
44 Love That Pup1949-10-01
43 The Cat And The Mermouse1949-09-03
42 Heavenly Puss1949-07-09
41 Hatch Up Your Troubles1949-05-14
40 The Little Orphan1949-04-30
39 Polka-Dot Puss1949-02-26
38 Mouse Cleaning1948-12-11
37 Professor Tom1948-10-30
36 Old Rockin' Chair Tom1948-09-18
35 The Truce Hurts1948-07-17
34 Kitty Foiled1948-06-01
33 The Invisible Mouse1947-09-27
32 A Mouse In The House1947-08-30
31 Salt Water Tabby1947-07-12
30 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse1947-06-14
29 The Cat Concerto1947-04-26
28 Part Time Pal1947-03-15
27 Cat Fishin'1947-02-22
26 Solid Serenade1946-08-31
25 Trap Happy1946-06-29
24 The Milky Waif1946-05-18
23 Springtime For Thomas1946-03-30
22 Quiet Please!1945-12-22
21 Flirty Birdy1945-09-22
20 Tee For Two1945-07-21
19 Mouse In Manhattan1945-07-07
18 The Mouse Comes To Dinner1945-05-05
17 Mouse Trouble1944-11-23
16 Puttin' On The Dog1944-10-28
15 The Bodyguard1944-07-22
14 The Million Dollar Cat1944-05-06
13 The Zoot Cat1944-02-26
12 Baby Puss1943-12-25
11 The Yankee Doodle Mouse1943-06-26
10 The Lonesome Mouse1943-05-22
9 Sufferin' Cats!1943-01-16
8 Fine Feathered Friend1942-10-10
7 The Bowling Alley-Cat1942-07-18
6 Puss N' Toots1942-05-30
5 Dog Trouble1942-04-18
4 Fraidy Cat1942-01-17
3 The Night Before Christmas1941-12-06
2 The Midnight Snack1941-07-19
1 Puss Gets The Boot1940-02-10
Season 0 (show/hide)
16 Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory2017-06-27
15 Tom & Jerry: Back to Oz2016-06-21
14 Tom and Jerry: Spy Quest2015-06-09
13 Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon2014-07-27
12 Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure2013-09-09
11 Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and his Merry Mouse2012-09-28
10 Tom and Jerry & the Wizard of Oz2011-08-14
9 Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes2010-08-24
8 A Nutcracker Tale2007-10-02
7 Tom and Jerry in Shiver Me Whiskers2006-08-22
6 Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry2005-10-11
5 The Karate Guard2005-09-27
4 Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars2004-11-30
3 Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring2001-03-12
2 Tom and Jerry: The Mansion Cat2000-01-01
1 Tom and Jerry: The Movie1993-07-30


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