Terra Nova
Terra Nova follows an ordinary family on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149, the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped and overcrowded, with the majority of plant and animal life extinct. The future of mankind is in jeopardy, and its only hope for survival is in the distant past. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Science Fiction
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2011-09-26 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Science Fiction
Available at: Disney+ (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2011-09-26 Status: Ended Length: 45 Min
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(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Season 1 (show/hide) | ||
12 | Resistance | 2012-06-11 |
11 | Occupation / Resistance | 2011-12-19 |
10 | Within | 2011-12-12 |
9 | Now You See Me | 2011-11-28 |
8 | Vs. | 2011-11-21 |
7 | Proof | 2011-11-14 |
6 | Nightfall | 2011-11-07 |
5 | Bylaw | 2011-10-31 |
4 | The Runaway | 2011-10-17 |
3 | What Remains | 2011-10-10 |
2 | Instinct | 2011-10-03 |
1 | Genesis | 2011-09-26 |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
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