Shut Eye

Charlie Haverford is a scammer with a small chain of fortune-telling storefronts and contracts building tricks for a family that controls the business in the greater chunk of Los Angeles. A blow to the head from a client’s angry boyfriend intersects with a hypnosis session while auditioning a new “clairvoyant,” and suddenly, a man whose entire life has been based on fraud begins to see and feel some very real and fundamental truths. Charlie’s wife Linda is sick and tired of their mediocre life and wants to break away from Fonso, the single father who runs the Marks family’s psychic empire, and controls the Haverford's future. Rossellini co-stars as Rita, the cunning, seductive, and sadistic matriarch of the Marks clan. (Quelle:
Genre: Crime | Drama | Fantasy
First Aired: 2016-12-07 Status: Ended Length: 60 Min

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Season 2 (show/hide)
10 There's No Place Like Home2017-12-06
9 Vérité2017-12-06
8 Karma Chameleon2017-12-06
7 Purple Hearts2017-12-06
6 Crimes and Punishments2017-12-06
5 Charles the Magnificent2017-12-06
4 Are You Listening?2017-12-06
3 Guys and Dolls2017-12-06
2 Shortchanged2017-12-06
1 We're Not in Kansas Anymore2017-12-06
Season 1 (show/hide)
10 Ace of Swords2016-12-07
9 Wheel of Fortune2016-12-07
8 Five of Cups2016-12-07
7 Two of Swords2016-12-07
6 Judgment2016-12-07
5 The Magician2016-12-07
4 The Tower - Reversed2016-12-07
3 The Fool2016-12-07
2 The Hanged Man2016-12-07
1 Death2016-12-07


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