
Overview Episodes+
a meteorite collision plunged Earth into apocalypse, and the remnants of humanity went in two different directions to survive. The aristocratic Dobias headed into space, while the earthy Shioru went underground. Centuries later, they returned to Earth's surface and are now fighting for control of the planet—that is, when they're not busy fending off a new species of predators known simply as Creatures. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Animation | Drama | Science Fiction
First Aired: 2001-10-06 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min

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Season 1 (show/hide)
26 The Entrusted Future2002-03-30
25 A Settlement of Hatred2002-03-23
24 The Armor of Ordion2002-03-16
23 End of the Death Struggle2002-03-09
22 Beginning of the Final Battle2002-03-02
21 Shocking Reunion2002-02-23
20 Dark Genesis2002-02-16
19 Recapture Dobias2002-02-09
18 The Truth Explained2002-02-02
17 Moving Fortress Cyclops2002-01-26
16 The Whereabouts of Victor Ai2002-01-19
15 The Tragedy of Dobias2002-01-12
14 Namsos' Betrayal2002-01-05
13 The Tree of Shambhala2001-12-29
12 Shioru & Dobias2001-12-22
11 A Beat from Behind the Scenes2001-12-15
10 The Black Gospel Rate2001-12-08
9 Flow of Thoughts2001-12-01
8 Domidoka of Mulkia2001-11-24
7 Sealed Evolution2001-11-17
6 Crest of the Rose2001-11-10
5 Alkion's Anguish2001-11-03
4 Sister's Barrier2001-10-27
3 Shioru Resistance2001-10-20
2 Karma from the Past2001-10-13
1 The Cost of Battle2001-10-06


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