The Andy Griffith Show
Down-home humor and an endearing cast of characters helped make The Andy Griffith Show one of the most beloved comedies in the history of TV. The show centered around widower Andy Taylor, who divided his time between raising his young son Opie, and his job as sheriff of the sleepy North Carolina town, Mayberry. Andy and Opie live with Andy's Aunt Bee, who serves as a surrogate mother to both father and son. Andy's nervous cousin, Barney Fife, is his deputy sheriff whose incompetence is tolerated because Mayberry is virtually crime-free. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Family
First Aired: 1960-02-15 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
Genre: Comedy | Family
First Aired: 1960-02-15 Status: Ended Length: 25 Min
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Season 8 (show/hide) | ||
30 | Mayberry R.F.D. | 1968-04-01 |
29 | A Girl for Goober | 1968-03-25 |
28 | Opie and Mike | 1968-03-18 |
27 | Sam for Town Council | 1968-03-11 |
26 | The Wedding | 1968-03-04 |
25 | Emmett's Anniversary | 1968-02-26 |
24 | Helen's Past | 1968-02-19 |
23 | Aunt Bee's Big Moment | 1968-02-12 |
22 | Goober Goes to the Auto Show | 1968-02-05 |
21 | Barney Hosts a Summit Meeting | 1968-01-29 |
20 | The Church Benefactors | 1968-01-22 |
19 | Opie's Drugstore Job | 1968-01-15 |
18 | Emmett's Brother-in-Law | 1968-01-08 |
17 | The Mayberry Chef | 1968-01-01 |
16 | Goober, the Executive | 1967-12-25 |
15 | Howard's New Life | 1967-12-18 |
14 | Suppose Andy Gets Sick | 1967-12-11 |
13 | Aunt Bee's Cousin | 1967-12-04 |
12 | Howard and Millie | 1967-11-27 |
11 | Andy's Investment | 1967-11-20 |
10 | Aunt Bee and the Lecturer | 1967-11-13 |
9 | Opie's Group | 1967-11-06 |
8 | The Tape Recorder | 1967-10-30 |
7 | Aunt Bee, the Juror | 1967-10-23 |
6 | Howard's Main Event | 1967-10-16 |
5 | Opie Steps Up in Class | 1967-10-09 |
4 | Andy's Trip to Raleigh | 1967-10-02 |
3 | A Trip to Mexico | 1967-09-25 |
2 | Howard, the Bowler | 1967-09-18 |
1 | Opie's First Love | 1967-09-11 |
Season 7 (show/hide) |
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