Fear the Walking Dead

Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
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In Los Angeles, a city where people come to escape, shield secrets, and bury their pasts, we follow this mysterious outbreak as it threatens to disrupt what little stability high school guidance counselor Madison Clark and English teacher Travis Manawa have managed to assemble.
The pressure of blending two families while dealing with resentful, escapist, and strung out children takes a back seat when society begins to break down. A forced evolution, and survival of the fittest takes hold, as our dysfunctional family finds they must either reinvent themselves or embrace their darker histories. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Drama | Horror | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Prime Video (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2015-08-23 Status: Ended Length: 43 Min
Genre: Drama | Horror | Science Fiction | Thriller
Available at: Prime Video (Can be changed/wrong by now. Report errors.)
First Aired: 2015-08-23 Status: Ended Length: 43 Min
Trailer-Source: Youtube (this site is not responsible for the content.
Please report problematic content here)
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(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Season 5 (show/hide) | ||
16 | End of the Line | 2019-09-29 |
15 | Channel 5 | 2019-09-22 |
14 | Today and Tomorrow | 2019-09-15 |
13 | Leave What You Don't | 2019-09-08 |
12 | Ner Tamid | 2019-09-01 |
11 | You're Still Here | 2019-08-25 |
10 | 210 Words Per Minute | 2019-08-18 |
9 | Channel 4 | 2019-08-11 |
8 | Is Anybody Out There? | 2019-07-21 |
7 | Still Standing | 2019-07-14 |
6 | The Little Prince | 2019-07-07 |
5 | The End of Everything | 2019-06-30 |
4 | Skidmark | 2019-06-23 |
3 | Humbug's Gulch | 2019-06-16 |
2 | The Hurt That Will Happen | 2019-06-09 |
1 | Here to Help | 2019-06-02 |
Season 4 (show/hide) |
Season 3 (show/hide) |
Season 2 (show/hide) |
Season 1 (show/hide) |
Season 0 (show/hide) |
(Quelle: thetvdb.com)
(7/10 Sterne)
2017-08-05 21:13

Der Ansatz ist wirklich lustig, denn Beginn der Apokalypse zu zeigen. Leider fehlen mir die wirklich interessanten Charaktere, die es in The Walking Dead gab. Deshalb bekommt die Serie nur 7/10 Sterne von mir.

Walking dead ist tausend mal besser. Hier fehlt die Spannung und das mitfiebern mit den Charakteren.

Es sind erst 2 Staffeln raus, ich find die Serie jedoch Mega gut. Selbst als nicht The Walking Dead Fan kann man die Serie genießen
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